مطالعات مالی تجاری شبکه آبیاری و زهکشی دشت رامهرمز به مساحت 26000 هکتار جهت آماده سازی پروژه و تامین اعتبار از منابع بین المللی (بانک جهانی) Arabic

مطالعات مالی تجاری شبکه آبیاری و زهکشی دشت رامهرمز به مساحت 26000 هکتار جهت آماده سازی پروژه و تامین اعتبار از منابع بین المللی (بانک جهانی) Arabic

Ramhormoz Plain Irrigation and Drainage network project is in the area of 26000 hectares of important projects in Khuzestan province and with the credibility of the World Bank's resources and credits are being implemented. The main components of the project include the dam reservoir, with a capacity of 183 million m3, a perverted band on a Aala river, the water transmission channel with a length of 23 kilometers and a total of 174 kilometers of one and two and 83 kilometers of drainage.
In the Economic and commercial studies of irrigation and drainage network of RAMHORMOZ, the following basic approaches have been followed:
Recognizing beneficiaries of interest groups as well as the most disadvantaged groups of project implementation
Determining the financial criteria of the plan includes the value of net benefits of the project, the internal return rate and the benefit to the cost
Determine the direct and indirect effects of the implementation of the project
Determining economic and financial indicators of the plan
Investigation of the structure of production organization in agricultural sector in the form of re-engineering production
Investigation of effects and social consequences of implementation of the plan
Assessing the existing situation of water and soil resources utilization and determination of optimal cropping pattern
Determining the homogeneous groups and creating the sample field in each group