Studies, design and supervision of the project implementation of 1000 hectares of hydrothermal fish breeding of Dashte Azadegan
Client: Ministry of Agriculture- Jihad/ Khuzestan Fisheries Authorities Project geographical location: Khouzestan Province - the margin of Hoorolazim the nearby of Shatte Ali Road. Project description:
Areas: 700 Hectare Capacity : 2800 tonne per year The way of absracting: as gravity of the end of Karkhe to Howrol Azim The water transportation canal: 2500 meter by 5.4 cubic meter per second Farm situation : A: assign people 5 and 10 hector units B: assign corporation groups ,30 hectare units Estimating operation cost: based on schedule of prices on basic Irrigation and drainage in 1386 about 100 milliard Rial The plan's goal: mentioning in the area , exportation of produce and economic prosperity of region, restoration of the lands nearby HoorolAzim, optimal operation of soil and water resources